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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2198
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After the third round of matches wrapped up, the fourth round began.

At that moment, Abigail was surrounded by an ever-growing crowd. Even the martial artists watching from afar couldn't resist joining in.

Scfor the thrill, while others couldn't help but feel a pang of envy.

With many martial artists raking in the celestial stones, word spread like wildfire. Soon, a steady stream of new faces was eager to participate in the betting pool.

Abigail's first box of celestial stones had been completely doled out as winnings. This prompted her to bring out her second and third boxes.

The nearby martial artists couldn't hide their excitement as they gazed upon the boxes full of celestial stones.

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Human desires knew no bounds; even those who had already accumulated a decent haul of celestial stones craved more.

These treasures that offered a direct path to enhancing their cultivation were simply irresistible.

"Sir, have you figured out who to bet on yet? Who's your pick this round?" As the contestants stepped into the battle rings, all eyes in the gambling crowd fixated on the man in gray.

They had complete faith in him after witnessing his predictions in the last two rounds. He was practically their lucky charm.

If the man in gray threw down a bet, they were ready to jump on board without hesitation.

"Let's see..." The man in gray scanned each battle ring and honed in on the eighth. Then, he pointed and said, "Number 95!" "Number 957" [x] All eyes turned to see contestant number 95, a skinny guy hobbling with an iron crutch. At five feet two inches, he didn't look like Hercules.

"Yes, Number 95," the man in gray affirmed. He tossed all his celestial stones into the betting bowl without a second thought.

The bold move made the crowd fidgety. They couldn't help but admire his confidence in throwing everything in without explanation.

"Well, if he's betting on Number 95, I'm in!" too!" "We're rolling with him! What're you waiting for? Let's go all in!" The crowd around the man in gray wasted no tin following his lead and laying down their bets.

After all, opportunities like these were one-tdeals. And in this game, hesitation was a surefire way to lose out, Fueled by his assurance, they all bet on contestant number 95. Miles, Ruby, and Dalen were no exceptions.

There were also the more cautious types who held off on betting and chose to play it safe by waiting.

Number 95 wasn't exactly a picture of confidence. He was a thin and feeble man who had trouble walking unassisted.

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How on earth was he going to fight in the ring? "Get those bets in quick! It's now or never!" Abigail shouted and urged those hesitant gamblers to make a choice.

Three minutes later, the fourth round of the tournament began.

The betting frenzy had everyone's eyes glued to the eighth battle ring .That was where Number 95 squared off 'against Number 24.

Unlike the slender Number 95, contestant number 24 was a realy powerhouse. With his muscular physique,he looked strong. Even his wrists were thicker than Number 95's thighs.

Standing side by side, they looked like a grown man next to a Kick with such a yes size ditfelehce, the ckowd wasn't confident about Number 95's odds. Even those who followed the man in gray's lead were feeling unsure of their bet at that moment.

"Hey, kid! You better surrender now. With your skinny arms and legs, | could snap them like twigs with just a light tap."