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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2179
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But now Lambert realized Luke wasn't just impulsive, but foolish. He thought that Luke just couldn't see the bigger picture.

"Sir, any personal issues between you two can be resolved in the battle ring or discussed privately later. But causing trouble here isn't acceptable," Oron said calmly.

Luke glared at him and yelled, "You, meddling monk! My affairs are none of your concern. If you know what's good for you, stay out of it, or things might turn ugly!" Lambert was left speechless and astonished upon hearing that.

The Frostzard Manor disciples wiped their brows nervously. They weren't sure whether to praise Luke for his bravery or criticize him for recklessly challenging Sacred Wrym Summit.

They knew their sect wouldn't survive much longer at this rate.

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"Sir, if you don't comply, I'll have to ask you to leave Sacred Wrym Summit," Oron said sternly.

"You think I'll just leave because you say so? I'm staying here. | doubt you'll do anything about it!" Luke said defiantly and glared at Oron as if he were invincible.

Oron frowned at Luke's rudeness. Although he usually kept his temper in check, Luke's arrogance irritated him.

"Fine! You wantto leave? Showwhat you can do! Let's see if you can walk the talk!" Luke challenged arrogantly and waved his sword.

The Frostzard Manor disciples exchanged uneasy glances. They were visibly distressed by the situation.

The martial artists around them smirked mockingly and were excited to see what would happen next.

After all, it had been a while since they had seen a maniac daring enough to challenge the Sacred Wyrm Summit.

Naturally, they were eager to watch the spectacle.

"This is your final warning to leave Sacred Wrym Summit," Oron said sternly. An invisible force seemed to emanate from him.

Suddenly, a strong wind whipped around them, kicking up dust and debris.

"You wantto leave? Fine! But you'll have to fightfirst!" Luke snarled.

Upon hearing that, Oron lost his temper. Anger flashed in his eyes, accompanied by a power capable of causing destruction.

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"Master Oron, you don't have to deal with this riffraff. Lethandle it." Suddenly, a casual voice cfrom the crowd.

Then, a young monk wearing a worn-out outfit and flip-flops stepped forward. It was Caleb.

He casually approached Oron as he picked his nose. Caleb's eyes were half-closed as if he had just woken up.

"Master Oron, why don't you take a break? I've dealt with these types before," Caleb said lazily.

"Then, I'll leave it to you." Oron nodded and calmed down. He knew confronting someone younger wouldn't be appropriate for someone of his status.

But Caleb was different, being ten years younger than Luke. So, it wouldn't be considered bullying.

"Hey, Big Guy, I'll give you two options," Caleb said, holding up two fingers. "Either you leave on your own, or I'll kick you out!"