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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2175
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"Your reputation precedes you, Grand Sorceress. Meeting you today confirms it." Crystal nodded respectfully, her demeanor composed and full of respect.

"You're too kind, Ms. Wesley," Abigail replied with a gentle nod.

"Uh... Greetings, Grand Sorceress," Miles stammered, visibly nervous as he hastily nodded.

"You're friends with Mr. Dustin, so you're my friend too. No need to be so formal." Abigail's warm smile was devoid of any trace of arrogance.

"I'm Ruby Wesley, pleased to meet you!" Ruby exclaimed eagerly and extended her hand.

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Abigail wasn't just the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order but also ranked second on the Legendary List.

Hence, Ruby felt honored to be acquainted with someone of her caliber.

"Pleasure's mine." Abigail smiled as she shook Ruby's hand.

However, this simple act caused Crystal and Miles's expressions to change.

After all, rumors circulated that Abigail was filled with parasitic poison. Any physical contact with her was perceived as potentially life-threatening.

"Don't worry. Mystic Arts Order disciples aren't savage beasts. We don't harm without reason," Abigail reassured them with a knowing smile as if she had sensed their concerns.

Crystal and Miles exchanged a sheepish glance. They realized their inner concerns hadn't gone unnoticed by Abigail.

Once introductions were exchanged, they all settled into their seats.

Yet, with Abigail among them, Dustin and his companions inevitably becthe focal point of attention.

Whispers and speculations rippled through the crowd of martial artists as fingers subtly pointed their way.

Mystic Arts Order disciples typically kept to themselves, seldom mingling with others. So, seeing someone like Dustin engaged in lively conversation with the Grand Sorceress was a rare sight.

Abigail suddenly suggested, "Sir, I've heard many formidable contestants this time, including sremarkable individuals. While you're strong, it might be tough to excel through all the challenges.

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"But fear not, for | have a solution that could easily ensure your victory and secure favorable rankings for your friends." Dalen and the others instantly perked up at her words.

They had journeyed to Sacred Wrym Summit with aspirations to carve out a nfor themselves. The prospect of Abigail offering a means to secure a favorable ranking was immensely appealing to them.

"Oh? What's your plan then? I'm all ears." Dustin chuckled. He was all in if it meant conserving his energy to pass the challenges.

"It's simple," Abigail replied, her grin widening with confidence. "Identify those who pose a threat to us, then secretly poison them to destroy their cultivation. That way, we'll have nothing to worry about!" "Huh? Poison them?" Dalen and the others exchanged dumbfounded glances, unsure how to react to the suggestion. They couldn't find the words to respond.

Was this supposed to be a joke? The plan seemed like a surefire disaster waiting to happen.

With the Combat Tournament attracting elite martial artists from diverse sects, poisoning them would undoubtedly provoke the ire of every faction.

If their plot were to be uncovered, their survival, let alone their participation in the tournament, would be uncertain.

They concluded that only a madman would entertain such a suicidal scheme.