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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39
Jasmine sat in her dimly lit office frustration mounting in as she skimmed throught websites.
In her anxious state, an old habit resurfaced the nervous nibbling of her nails, a clear manifestation of the mounting pressure that
had taken hold of her.
Nathan would be returning soon and she still hadn’t found out the location or whereabouts of Dr. Gomez. Speculations about his
whereabouts swirled, with some suggesting he might be on a vacation to a private island.
Who would have thought finding a doctor was this difficult, except he was no ordinary doctor.
Scrolling through the internet she had discovered some details about his life. He was no ordinary person, he was well connected
with influential figures, his presence documented at exclusive charity events and high-society galas. What’s more, he had held a
significant role in government affairs and was undeniably wealthy, having inherited most his fortune from being born into old
Jasmine let out a heavy sigh of resignation as she minimized the numerous browser tabs on her laptop screen. It had become
abundantly clear that dealing with Dr. Gomez would be no ordinary task, especially now that he had retired. Reaching out to a
person of his stature seemed an impossible challenge. She thought to herself with a sigh.
“Let’s find him first Jasmine. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” She scolded inwardly.
Finding his location came first. Afterwards every other thing, meeting him and consulting him over Hazel’s daughters surgery,
would fall into place.
In the days that followed Hazel’s meeting with Ethan, life took on the frenzied pace of a whirlwind, swirling her into a maelstrom
of a hetic routine.
On a particular morning, the weekday began as it often did, with a cacophony of chores and demands echoing through the

modest walls of her home. Hazel moved through the rooms with a precision and swiftness. She had her entire day planned and
she set out to work immediately, there was no time to waste.
Addressing her daughter, she spoke with a blend of firmness and affection, “Daisy, sweetheart, it’s time to gather your sca t t e r.

e d toys and return them to their proper places Turning her gaze to her son, she continued with a reminder, “Liam, please
remember to place your shoes where they belong
Yet, Daisy appeared uncharacteristically uncooperative and sluggish that particular morning. It had taken her an eternity to stir
from her cozy bed, and even after donning her attire for the day, she managed to spill her cereal liberally over her freshly
changed outfit. Hazel’s patience, stretched to its limits, and she was poised to snap, but at the sight of her daughter’s forlorn
expression, her tone softened as she reached for a fresh dress. “Come here, sweetheart,” she sighed, and Daisy’s outfit was
replaced in a comforting gesture of motherly
After what seemed like an eternity of commotion, they were at last prepared to begin their day.
Hazel gathered her phones and laptops, expertly shepherding her children out the door with a sense of urgency that matched
her frequent glances at her wristwatch. Time was the
master she had to serve, and in her meticulously planned day, there was no room for delays
Clutching her children’s hands firmly, she hustled them into the building’s elevator, her foot tapping impatiently as her watch
became a constant companion. The clock’s digits read. 7:15, and that morning she was already ten minutes behind her planned
schedule courtesy of her children’s carlier tantrums and sluggishness.
Upon successfully delivering her children to their destinations, kindergarten, Hazel boarded a taxi, its destination set for the
corporate realm of ] T Corporation. There awaited pivotal meetings with surveyors and construction experts.
Meetings, site inspections, and more meetings consumed several hours, as Hazel and her team grappled with the demanding
intricacies of their ongoing project.

Hours later, Hazel found herself once again in a taxi, this time charting a course back to Tesco for the company’s weekly briefing.
In the past few days, personal interactions had become a rarity; everyone was submerged in the ceaseless tide of work, and so
far, Hazel hadn’t crossed paths with Ethan or even caught a glance of him at work.
Ethan, the enigmatic figure who presided at the helm of their endeavors, remained elusive. He was a near-phantom, with some
employers having spent years within the company without even glimpsing him. Hazel’s project was progressing satisfactorily, but

it was a taxing and demanding endeavor. Her team was tasked with a daily shuttle between the grand expanse of Tesco Empire
and the bustling corridors of the JT Company building, a constant back-and-forth between procurement missions and meticulous
As the day neared its end, it was time for the indispensable weekly project update and feedback session. Hazel made her way to
the fifth floor, where a modest boardroom awaited, its space carefully prepared for the ritual of the weekly briefing.
Just then. Hazel’s phone suddenly came to life with an urgent ring, pulling her attention away from the demanding tasks at hand.
Half-distracted, she
Searched for her
phone amidst the clutter of her desk, all the while trying to maintain a semblance of focus on her laptop screen. With a distracted
and somewhat non-committal “hello,” she answered the call, unaware of the shattering news that awaited her.
As the words from the other end of the line reached her ears, Hazel’s entire world seemed to come crashing down around her.
She went from being absorbed in her work to a state of profound alarm in an instant. “No, no, no,” she whispered with trembling
l*ps, her heart pounding in her chest. Her laptop was hastily abandoned, and she left everything behind as she sprinted through
the halls of the office building.
Chloe followed her with deep worry etched across her features. Catching up to Hazel in the midst of her frantic dash, Chloe
inquired, “Hazel, what’s wrong? Is everything all right?” The call had brought devastating news, a parent’s worst nightmare. It
was the school on the other end of the line, and what they had to convey was nothing short of heart-wrenching. Hazel’s beloved
daughter, Daisy, had suffered a seizure. The very mention of her daughter’s name had sent a jolt of raw fear through Hazel’s
entire being
It’s Daisy Hazel choked out, her voice quivering with emotion. Her eyes, once focused and determined, were now filled with tears
that welled up and threatened to overflow. The overwhelming dread that gripped her heart was almost too much to bear.
“Go on, Hazel. I’ll cover for you.” She said gendy in understanding.