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Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 152 It'll Be Alright
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Chapter 152  It'll Be Alright

[WARNING: The following contains heavy sexual content.]

Killorn carried Ophelia straight to their bedroom in the broad daylight. He was an insatiable man as always, tossing his wife upon the bed and stripping her instantly, then tossed his belongings in the same pile, leaving her no room even to bother changing her mind.

"No more trickery this time," Killorn warned her, his voice devoid of any amusement. He refused to tolerate her disappearing on him. "Alright?" His tone had thickened with arousal, his body growing rigid in an attempt to wrestle control of his mind.

"O-of course," Ophelia promised, peering up at him in all of his mass. He was a formidable sight as always, rippling with muscles, and dripping with power. He lowered, kissing her softly as his tongue slid inside effortlessly. She released a soft noise of surprise, as she grew feverish from his desires.

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Killorn pushed her legs apart and slid in between her, creating a space for himself. He pulled back, lowering his face upon her entrance, breathing softly. She flinched at the sensation.

"Truly, a sight to behold," Killorn groaned at the sight of her sprawled for him. Her inner thighs quivered, her hand pressed to her reddening chest. Her gaze seemed to sparkle under the sunlight pouring through the window and upon her naked skin. "H-hurry…" Ophelia whispered, her word sending his amber eyes darkening into molten copper.

Killorn lowered his mouth upon her entrance, earning a quiet gasp of protest. Each stroke of his tongue was sensual and sent a curling sensation throughout her belly. She whimpered, as he licked, but her throbbing need worsened and grew stronger. Pleasure built on an upwards climb and she was beginning to search for release, her mouth slightly parting to suck in air.

Ophelia curled her hand through his hair, tightening and crying out when he stuck his middle finger through her opening as his mouth latched upon the orb of sensitive nerves. He sucked and teased until her legs began to clamp down on him.

"F*ck, I can't wait anymore," Killorn hoarsely begged as she reached for him, moaning and grinding her hips into his mouth.

Killorn kissed her everywhere, giving her a few seconds to recover as he tried his best to make love to her and not screw her senseless on the bed again. But the second he plugged straight against her wanton core, everything felt primitive. Her face grew hotter as her insides clenched him with desire. "Get on your hands and knees," Killorn's voice trembled as she angled her body for more of him. She tried amidst her shaking arms. When he thrust forward, her arms instantly gave out, but he fisted her hair roughly.

"O-oh!" Ophelia whimpered, unable to stop herself as a throaty moan escaped past her lips with each of his violent penetration. She felt molten heat and pleasure spread through her lower belly as she could barely breathe. Her world began to spin as he took her from behind, his grip on her hair restrictive, but addictive. "You're taking me so good, so perfect and wet for me, Ophelia," Killorn praised, the words sinking into her. Killorn dominated her instantly, but his freed hand gripped her waist, pulling her back against him, never letting her a moment of clarity. The bed squeaked and trembled from his force as she grew wild once more, her hip shaking. Their skin slapped loudly as he grunted from the pleasure.

"I'm close," Killorn hissed, pumping rapidly into her willing body. Her spine was arched, revealing his favorite dimples on her lower spine. She whimpered, as heat pulsated inside of him. "Ophelia," he hoarsely whispered her name, the mention driving him wild as he growled.

"Killorn, p-please, I need you," Ophelia begged. "I-I want to see you, I'm scared."

A rumble of satisfaction came deep from his chest as he spun her around. Ophelia gasped when he threw her onto the bed again, his lips hovering over hers and then crashing down. He was messy and rough, violent and tasting of tea that she had poured early. His intimacy sent her exploding with another release. Ophelia squeezed her eyes shut, her toes curling, as she pulsated around his thickness. He sucked in air as he gave her a final pump, heat exploding inside of her. She gasped at the intrusion of his seed spreading deep into her. He pressed his mouth to her forehead, slowing down and staying right where he was.

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"You feel like heaven and look like an angel too," Killorn groaned.

Ophelia's eyes snapped open at his words, just as he lovingly kissed her on the cheek again. Warmth blossomed in her chest, his heavy body keeping her in place. But despite all of that, she couldn't help, but hug him tightly. Follow current ɴᴏᴠᴇʟs on No(ᴠ)ᴇlFire.nᴇt

"I-I love you," Ophelia whispered.

"I love you most," Killorn swore. Ophelia felt all giddy inside, like a young maiden in love all over again. She froze, feeling his member hardening back to life again.


"Shhh, it'll be alright," Killorn promised her, grasping ahold of her thighs and spreading her wide for him again. "Just one more round, I promise."