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Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17


I walked toward the kitchen to check on how things were going as I put my hand on my stomach,

running my hand over it as I soothed myself for a few seconds, getting lost in my thoughts as I did.

I didn’t understand why he chose to go ahead and announce to them that I was pregnant when he

knew that they just arrived, and the fact that I was yet to even tell my own parents was something that

pained me. The last thing that I wanted was to hide something like this, but I knew that waiting until I

went a bit further in my pregnancy was going to be better. Plus, I wanted to be the one to announce it

when I was ready, at least, to

my parents.

But then again, thinking about it. I knew that they didn’t see me as their child, and that was a reminder

that I was forced to keep in mind now that I was Dimitri’s ‘mate, in their eyes.

“Is it true?” Mother’s voice stopped me from moving. The way that she had treated me when I told her

about Dimitri being with Charlotte played in my head, and I couldn’t help but find myself feeling small

before I nodded as I took a step back. I didn’t want to talk about this in the kitchen in front of the maids.

It was bad enough that they saw me being treated the way that I was earlier.

“Yes,” I said, and she raised an amused eyebrow. My chest ached as so many feelings that I didn’t like

or understand hurt me. I knew that my mother wouldn’t be caring about them, and that was something

that pained me a lot more to think about and consider.

“That means that the two of you are….

“It happened on the night of the mating.” I said, stopping her. She held onto her dress, making sure not

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to trip over it as she looked at me. It was a habit that she had whenever she wore long dresses and

heels. “The two of us haven’t been spending the night together since.”

“I see,” she said, and I nodded before looking down at my feet. “Is there anything that you need? As I

have to check on the kitchen and how things are going before we start with serving.”

“I don’t think that I need an appointment to see or speak to my daughter now, do I?” She asked, making

my chest ache. She didn’t consider me her daughter when I was begging for her help. I didn’t

understand why she

was bothering to do that now.

I swallowed both my pride and the words that I wanted to say before shaking my head. My chest

ached, but I knew better than to say a word about it. I smiled and she put her hand on my shoulder,

gently squeezing


“You are going to have a long road ahead of you, and it is going to be beautiful.” She said before taking

a step back. I looked down at my feet, avoiding her eyes, knowing that she was doing what she was for

her own benefit. I had to admit that much to myself at least.

I simply smiled in response, knowing to remember my limits as I stood in front of a pack’s Luna. “I will

leave you to tend to your duties. And I am sure that after what I saw in the reception that whatever you

are preparing for us would be extravagant.”

I smiled and nodded in thanks before watching as she took a step back. She turned to leave while I

turned to enter the kitchen. My heart throbbed as Mariana’s eyes met mine and I couldn’t help but find

myself looking down at my feet, both embarrassed of the fact that the maids. have seen me being

insulted, and upset that I was putting myself in such a situation to begin with. I could have fought back,

somehow, but I was forced being stuck with the fate that I allowed for myself.

“Girls, the pack’s lady has entered. Mariana said, looking at the girls. They all stopped what they were

doing before turning to face me, and gulped before she turned to face me. She nodded in assurance,

and I couldn’t help but smile in thanks at her small action. It was one that meant more to me than I

could describe to her right now.

“Time for dinner to be served. The elders, Alphas, and Lunas are waiting.” I said, and they nodded

before Mariana approached me. “Thank


She smiled and nodded. “You need not thank me, Ms. Aurora, and if you think that what happened to

you earlier would change the way that we treat you, then I do suggest that you reconsider.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked, and she smiled.

“It means that we respect YOU for what and who you are.” She said. before nodding at the door. “The

walls have ears, but I do believe that you understood how we feel about her.”

I gulped, not saying a word before she took a step back. “I will go and tend to my duties, my lady.”

My heart raced against my ribcage as they got things ready, and I couldn’t help but find myself putting

my hand on my stomach, wondering how I was going to be passing the night with an Alpha who hasn’t

bothered look at me since I entered his house. I didn’t even know how he was managing to act as good

as he was when I found myself choking under my breath just as I looked at him.

“My lady, would you like to drink something? You seem a little pale.” One of the maids asked, extending

a glass of water to me. I nodded in thanks and she smiled before handing me the cup of water. I took a

sip before staring at my reflection in the glass before I got up as I saw the girls heading toward the


As the house’s woman, I knew that I was to be sure that the dining table was set the way that I wanted

it to be. And for that to happen, I was to check on everything that the girls did when they did them, and

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that was one of the things that I often saw my mother do as I grew older. It was one of the reasons why

we were always famous for hosting such important evenings.

All I had to do was follow in suit, and knowing that everything was being watched and observed, I knew

to make sure that everything was perfect. Otherwise, I knew that not only that it would be a night that

both my parents would give me a hard time for, but the Alpha was going to make sure that I paid for it.

And I didn’t want to test my luck with whatever he was going to have in mind if that were to happen.

“I want everything set the way that we discussed earlier today,” I said, nodding at Mariana who smiled.

“And each side will be having three. concierges to serve the main dishes and fill the cups with drinks.

Unless stopped, I want no glass empty, is that clear?”

“And the dessert?” One of the concierges asked, shaking her head in question. And I had to admit, I

couldn’t help but find myself feeling somewhat thankful for the fact that someone in this house was

willingly listening to me. Having been used to everyone ignoring me, I knew to be used to that kind of

treatment now. “We do not have drinks to…”

“Coffee or tea depending on preference. I want them to be ready by the time that we are done with

meal.” I said, stopping the woman who nodded. “And the silverware for washing their hands and the

white towel should be ready upon finishing and before starting the meal.”

“They are all ready, ma’am.”

“Thank you,” I said, watching as the table was set before taking a step.

back. I took a deep breath as my hands shook, and ignoring the fear and anxiety that I currently felt, I

walked toward the living room before smiling,

My eyes met Dimitri’s and he stayed quiet for a few seconds before I turned my attention to our guests

who turned to look at me. I was sure to take a deep breath before extending my hand to the door,

smiling when I saw that they had their reception meals already dined with.

“The table is ready whenever you are.” I said, smiling at them. “Please, do enlighten us with your

presence while the food is hot…”