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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

“Ronald?” Angie was stunned, “He’s my loyal assistant, and he would never do something

like this!”

“I’m sure he’s loyal to you,” Noah stared at her, “It also means he would do anything in his

employer’s interest, which includes getting Colt out of her life, am I right?”

Angie’s face turned pale. He thought he knew her, but it seemed he never got to know the

real her after all these years spent with her.

“Are you accusing me of trying to hurt Colt?” Angie burst out in anger, “He’s my nephew,

and I love him as my own. How could you doubt my love for Colt? I can’t believe it.”

“Where were you two hours ago?” Noah asked impatiently.

“I was home,” said Angie, frustrated, “I woke up late today.”

“Don’t lie to me,” he threatened. She couldn’t believe him, “Of course! I have never lied to

you, and I will never lie to you. Don’t you trust me, Noah?”

“Sir, I’ve checked the CCTV recording,” Wayne interrupted, holding a shopping bag,

“Nobody has visited the shop before Ms. Angie, but we found our tracking device in one of

Ms. Angie’s shopping bags.”

Angie looked at Wayne, wide-eyed in astonishment. “What are you talking about? What

tracking device?”

Wayne took out a leather jacket from the shopping bag and fished out a tiny tracking

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device. Angie was taken aback. “No, it’s not mine! Why would I have a tracking device

with me?”

“A woman pushed Ronald off the balcony of his apartment two hours ago. She was

wearing this leather jacket when I found her, and I placed a tracking device into her

pocket,” said Noah, scowling at her, “Guess where we end up following the tracking


“What? Ronald is murdered?” Angie was shocked. She had planned to frame Ronald for

trying to kidnap Colton, so this unexpected turn of events threw her off. Now with Ronald

dead and a tracking device found in her possessions, she would be the prime suspect.

Wait a minute. This seems familiar; this was how I framed Madeline years ago! The thing is

- I didn’t push Ronald off the balcony. Who did it? Who is trying to frame me?

Angie broke out in a cold sweat thinking of the possibilities. Despite shaking like a leaf,

she tried her best to remain calm. She had to marry Noah, and nothing could stop her.

“Why did she murder Ronald?” Angie pretended to be horrified, “Is she after me next?

Noah, I’m so scared!” Noah remained silent as he stared at her trying her best to look


“Could she be the mysterious woman at the cemetery?” Angie continued, steering the

focus away from her, “She must have bribed Ronald to do such terrible things!”

Noah raised an eyebrow. He suspected Angie, but there wasn’t any solid proof. The

mysterious woman was also suspicious. He needed to do a thorough investigation.

“I will get to the bottom of this,” he finally said, “If you’re involved in any way, you should

tell me now before I find out eventually.”

“I swear to God I did not murder Ronald,” Angie exclaimed, teary-eyed, “You have to

believe me, Noah!”

Noah began to doubt his judgment. He didn’t believe Angie was involved, as she didn’t

seem capable of hurting someone. However, all clues he had gathered led him to her.

Angie had become the prime suspect now instead of the mysterious woman.

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He decided he would trust nobody until he got

to the bottom of this. It was only a matter of time before he found the truth.

“Please send Ms. Angie home,” he turned to tell Wayne. Angie immediately added, “I’m so

scared, Noah! Can you stay with me today?”

“Not today,” Noah refused, “I have to take care of things. You should return to the Grant


Before Angie could try to persuade him again, Noah had turned on his heel and got into

his car. She sighed and headed back to the Grant residence by herself; she was afraid

Wayne would notice her restlessness and suspect her further.

Furthermore, she had to take care of Ronald’s death and make sure Noah couldn’t find

anything about her. She would not let this stop her from getting what she wanted.

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Outside La Merveille Boutique, Madeline was watching everything unfolding in the shop on

her screen. She was furious Noah simply let Angie get away despite the evidence. How

could he be so blind?

He chose to believe Angie even though he found the tracking device in her shopping bag.

Was it because he was blinded by his love for Angie? She was disappointed with Noah.

Her heart sank as she compared the way he treated her and the way he treated Angie.

He’s so unfair! She clenched her fists as her face twisted in pain and anger. She felt like

the air was thinning, and she couldn’t breathe.

“Ms. Madeline, is everything okay?” Albert noticed her tension and patted her on the back

in an attempt to calm her down. Madeline realized she was on the verge of a panic attack.

She took a few deep breaths and gradually regained her calm. She had escaped death five

years ago, but she had been haunted by panic attacks ever since. Overwhelming emotions

would trigger a panic attack, during which she would feel like she was suffocating and

losing control of herself.

She was about to have another panic attack when Albert comforted her. She was thankful

he was there to help her. He handed her a water bottle, and she chugged it down.

“Thanks, Albert.” She beamed at Albert, relieved. Surprised, Albert blushed and tried to

remain calm, “It’s my job to take care of you, Ms. Madeline. What do you plan to do next?”

“Angie may fool Noah, but not me,” Madeline said with a determined look, “Since she

wants to join the charity dinner so badly, I will make sure it’s worth her time with a huge
