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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 31
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#31 “I Won’t Beat Around the Bush.”

Previous encounters still resonate at the office as Sophia delves into her work. Her focus shifts as she

encounters a new challenge-a difficult client who was recommended by none other than Emily’s


The client, Mr. Thompson, seeks her expertise to handle a significant business merger and acquisition

case. Despite the weight of her previous interactions with Emily and her mother, Sophia’s commitment

to her profession remains steadfast.

She takes on the case, determined to separate her personal feelings from her legal responsibilities.

The hours of the day blend into one another as Sophia meticulously prepares for the crucial meeting.

The stakes are high, and the weight of the impending negotiations rests heavily on her shoulders.

When the appointed time arrives, Sophia dons her professional demeanor and meets Mr. Thompson at

his office. With a practiced air of confidence, they discuss the strategy for the upcoming meeting.

“Mr. Thompson,” Sophia begins,” we need to be thorough in our approach. The success of this merger

depends on a comprehensive understanding of both parties needs and concerns.”

Mr. Thompson replies, “I understand, Sophia. I trust your expertise. This is a critical moment for our


The meeting is set to take place at a prestigious hotel, and Sophia accompanies Mr. Thompson as they

enter the ornate lobby. The grandeur of the surroundings contrasts with the tension that hums in the air.

As they wait in a private room for the other party to arrive, Sophia observes Mr. Thompson’s growing

restlessness. His anxious energy is palpable, and she senses he’s not as well-prepared as he should


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“Mr. Thompson, I cannot stress enough how important it is that we present a strong case. Confidence

is key in negotiations like these,” Sophia says.

As the negotiations commence, Sophia’s keen legal mind quickly identifies the gaps in Mr. Thompson’s

arguments. The other party, led by a shrewd businessman, counters each point with precision.

The tension in the room is almost tangible as the two sides exchange arguments and proposals.

Sophia’s efforts to steer the conversation toward a productive direction are met with resistance.

“Sophia, your client’s proposal lacks substance. We need more concrete figures to consider this

merger.” remarks the other client.

“Understood. Let me provide you with the necessary data to support our position.” Sophia replies.

Despite her best efforts, Sophia watches the negotiations unravel. The once-hopeful atmosphere

becomes strained, and the realization sets in that the two parties are heading toward an impasse. Both

sides are unwilling to budge, and the rift between them widens.

Mr. Thomspon remarks, “Sophia, I thought we had a strong chance. What went wrong?”

“Negotiations are a delicate balance, Mr. Thompson. We will regroup and find another way forward.”

As the meeting concludes, Sophia feels a mix of disappointment and frustration. The exchange that

was meant to bring two entities together has resulted in both parties parting ways unhappily.

Mr. Thompson’s demeanor has shifted from anxiety to disappointment, and Sophia can’t help but

empathize with the weight of his expectations.

“Sophia, I had high hopes for this. I hope we can salvage something from this situation.” Mr. Thompson

replies with a hint of anger.

“I share your sentiment, Mr. Thompson. Let’s reevaluate our strategy and explore alternative paths.”

As they leave the hotel, Sophia reflects on the complexities of her profession. The fine line between

legal strategy and interpersonal dynamics becomes clear. She contemplates the intricacies of the case

and the delicate dance that is often required in the world of business negotiations.

The city’s bustling energy surrounds her, a reminder that despite the challenges, life continues to move

forward, urging her to adapt and evolve in her pursuit of justice.

During her lunch break, Sophia finds a quiet corner in a nearby park to enjoy a moment of solitude. She

unpacks her lunch, trying to focus on her meal and the calming surroundings. However, her tranquility

is disrupted when a journalist approaches her with a notepad and camera in hand.

“Excuse me, Miss Johnson; I couldn’t help but notice the recent developments involving you and

Alexander Stone. Can you share your side of the story?” a journalist questions.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not at liberty to discuss that matter.” Sophia politely declines. The journalist persists,

attempting to press for more information, but Sophia remains steadfast in her refusal to engage. She

returns to her lunch, her thoughts preoccupied by the interview request.

As Sophia finishes her lunch and returns to the hotel, she unexpectedly crosses paths with Michael. He

stands near the entrance, holding a striking bouquet of flowers. She raises an eyebrow, intrigued and

somewhat taken aback by his presence.

“Michael, what are you doing here?” “I thought a bouquet of flowers might grab your attention,” Michael

replies with a small smirk.

Sophia can’t help but crack a small smile despite her reservations. She folds her arms, curious but

cautious. “Okay, I’m listening. Why the sudden interest in seeing me?”

Michael replies earnestly, “I won’t beat around the bush, Sophia. I like you. I want to get to know you

better outside of work.”

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Sophia maintains a calm exterior, though internally, she’s processing the unexpected turn of events.

She wasn’t anticipating Michael’s bold confession.

“Michael, I appreciate your honesty. But I must admit, your reputation precedes you. I’ve heard about

your past, the controversies.”

Michael nods, “I won’t deny that I’ve made some questionable choices in the past. But I want you to

know that I’m sincere about this. I want to make amends and change for the better.”

Sophia studies Michael’s expression, searching for any hint of insincerity. Yet, despite his words, she

remains composed and unaffected. She replies, “I respect your effort to change, but I’m not interested

in pursuing a romantic relationship at this time.”

Undeterred, Michael offers an alternative, “How about we start with a simple meal together? No strings


Sophia contemplates his proposal, her thoughts racing. Before she can respond, Michael’s gaze shifts

to her earlobes. “You’ve lost one of your earrings.”

Sophia touches her ear, realizing that her earring is indeed missing. She remains surprisingly calm,

though she’s puzzled by its disappearance.

“I must have dropped it somewhere. I’ll look for it later.”

Michael takes a step closer, his tone softening, “Sophia, I hope you consider my offer. I believe we

could have a meaningful connection.”

Sophia looks into his eyes, weighing his words. She remains skeptical, having learned to guard herself

against potential pitfalls.

“Michael, I appreciate your interest, but I need time to think about it. As for the earring, I’ll take care of


With that, Sophia leaves Michael behind, heading back to her responsibilities with a mix of

contemplation and determination.