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Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 7
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07 Surrender To Live


“No need,” I replied, and he walked to me and looked into my eyes. I knew he was hurting, but his pain

was nothing

compared to mine.

He was the one on the gaining side.

“I can’t let go, Tamia,” he said and placed his hands gently on my shoulders.

“It is normal to give up on a situation and someone you don’t understand, Tamia. I understand your

anger and why you will flirt with Devin. I know you have a strong reason to give up on us, but I am

asking you to give me a chance. I know we can make this work. I am willing to do anything for you,

Tamia. I know I am

wrong, but tell me what to do to keep you.

I will do anything to keep you, Tamia. I was hoping you could teach me how. I will learn to be a better

person for you please. Amanda was beyond my control. I am sorry. You know I tried. Please, Tamia,”

He pleaded with me with tears in his eyes. 3

Leo went on his knees and hugged my legs.

“Please, Tamia. I am trying to the best of my ability. Let me prove myself to you. Let me make it work,”

He said in tears, and I knew he wouldn’t let up.

“Get up,” I said, and he stood up.

I looked up to see the hurt in his eyes. He was deeply conflicted.

“All you had to do was reject her, but instead, you let her father bully her way into our home. You left

our bed and went to her. You pushed me aside. I thought I would have to share, but you didn’t even

leave room for that. You abandoned me. I am a laughing stock. Most pack members do not even

respect me anymore. As far as they are concerned, I am no longer their Luna. What do you want me to

do, Leo? How do you want me to cope? You should let me go. If you love me, you will reject me and let

me go. You have to reject one of us, and that will be me, Leo. Let me get over you in peace,” I said,

and he shook

his head.

My heart was breaking too.

We were so good together. I had many happy memories with Leo.

Why did this happen to us? My heart was breaking.

He leaned close to me and kissed me on

my lips.

I let him because I needed comfort. It was

a messed up situation.

He was the cause of my pain, and he was giving me comfort.

My body needed it. I kept telling myself, just this once, Tamia’.

Somehow trying to justify what was about to happen between us. He was my husband, and it shouldn’t

feel wrong.

My body ached, and he was right when he implied that I was aroused, but I still

wanted him.

So I threw caution to the wind and

wrapped my legs around him. I knew it was going to be a long night. Kaira purred in my head.

He was trying to get another chance, but

this was my goodbye to him. I just had

one more month before receiving a

response from a southern Alpha, to

whom I sent a request.

Once it comes, I will leave regardless of what it says. It was for the best. Seeing the way Leo was, he

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

wouldn’t be able to

let go of me, and neither would he let

Amanda go. I had to decide for him. So I set aside my grudge and gave him access. I allowed him to

make love to me.

Leo made love to me all through the night. It was as if he was auditioning, trying to make me


I never forgot how I felt about him. I just ignored my feelings, so I didn’t hurt more than I was already.

There was nothing wrong with what we were doing. He was my husband, but I was scared because the

more I let myself enjoy it, the more hurt I would be when I woke up alone on my bed.

Leo went four rounds with me that night until I couldn’t take anymore. I wondered

where the fire came from. It reminded me

of old times. Times I knew were gone


I woke up. To my surprise, Leo was lying

next to me in bed.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I wanted

to cry. There was a time I would wake up to this sight of him every morning before I went on my runs.

Fate had messed up my life completely, and I doubted if I would ever be happy again.

I got up and wore my robe to cover my body when someone suddenly started banging on my door.

I knew it was Amanda. What was her

deal? I never banged on her door. Why was she banging on mine?

Leo woke up abruptly and looked at me.

“Good morning,” he said, and the

banging came again. He looked at me, unsure if he should open the door or not. I wanted to see him


He eventually got up and went to the door.

He opened it, and Amanda walked in.

“Get out of my room,” I warned her, and Leo gently walked her out. I could allow anything, but there

was no way she would be entering my room.

The argument between Amanda and Leo

was explosive.

“You knew I was married and insisted. I

can’t neglect my wife, Amanda.” He said, pleading with her, and I laughed.

“She doesn’t fight me when I am with you. You have to accept that it will be like this,” he said, and I

heard a slap. She had slapped Leo on the face, and I wanted to laugh.

“I Amanda..” She said, using the same old

blackmail. A half rejection. I would have

greatly respected him if only Leo was

man enough to take it. The only reason he

slept with me was out of fear.

Usually, men in his situation, especially Alphas, never bother because they know

no one would want their women, but in his case, Alpha Devin had shown interest

in me, which meant he could take me

from him with a challenge. All I had to do was accept, and Leo will have no choice

but to accept the challenge.

Leo was strong, but he was no match for Devin. He has to bow out and reject me regarding a

challenge. He put on all that sports all night long to prove he could

still care for my needs. But we were past that. Great sex wasn’t going to make me change my mind

about him. If I ever get an opportunity to leave his arse, I will

take it and never look back.

“Go ahead, finish the sentence. I’m sick

of this shit,” I heard Leo tell her and I was

shocked. She was silent.

“This is how it will be around here

henceforth. Tamia is my wife, and

nothing will change that. If you can’t

handle it, too bad. We had a perfect life before all this fated shit happened, and then your father forced

you into my

home. I have gone against myself and the

woman I love for this shit. You know

nothing about how far Tamia and I have

come, Amanda. We built this pack

together. Don’t ask me to turn my back on her because I won’t.” He said, and tears welled up in my


He left her, returned to my room, and

then went to lie on the bed.

“I do not feel like doing much today, and

07 Surrender To Live

neither should you. Come back to bed,” he urged me, and I smiled at him. My husband had grown

some balls.

Leo kept his word and spent four nights a week in my room. Amanda went home a

couple of times, but she had to come back.

She reported us to her father, but the man could not get involved. Everyone thought Leo would treat me

like Max and Kyle

treat their wives, but they were wrong. He truly cared for me. 1

It was hard on Black, Leo’s wolf, but Leo forced his wolf to comply. I could not bear Black’s pain, but

Leo asked me to ignore Black. He was trying, there was no doubt.

The pack members gradually started giving my respect to Amanda.

Some people even blatantly disrespected

They often said they wanted to check with

Amanda before carrying out the task I gave them.

Since the Mountain Pack had two Lunas, I

stopped going to the office and carrying

out my luna duties. Amanda had no clue

how it was done, but I did not care. Every

time there was an issue, I left it for

Amanda to attend.

I never heard from Devin again, and a month passed quietly. 1


There was a commotion in the

settlement, and I wondered what was

happening. Leo entered my office in a


“We are under attack, Tamia, Northern Wolves from the Dark Alpha,” he said,

and I became scared.

“What happened?” I asked, leaving my

desk, and he shook his head.

“Something about Kyle overstepping, but we are all in it now, and Alpha Devin isn’t around to help us.”

He said.

“Where is the battle?” I asked him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Valley hill, Max’s pack. Once they fall, we are next,” he said, and we walked home quickly. We

entered, and Amanda was panicking.

“Go to the shelter and hide,” he told her, and I frowned at him.

“She is luna, too; she should fight,” I said angrily, and he shook his head.

“I do not have time for this, Tamia. Let’s shift and head to the battle.” He said, and I shook my head.

“Please, Tamia, She isn’t a trained

warrior,” he said, trying to reason with

“You should have trained her,” I said,

refusing to go.

The siren went off, which meant the

defence in Valley hill had fallen, and the

attackers were in our settlement.

“Guess she will have to fight now,” I said

and looked at her.

“Do you think this is a joke, Tamia? They

are in our settlement! Amanda can’t fight because she is with child,” He said, and I

froze. 1

“You got her pregnant?” I yelled, and he

was quiet.

“You took precautions with me for five years and got her pregnant in months,” I said, tears forming in

my eyes, and he was speechless.

“Let’s go,” he said, and I shook my head.

“Leave without me,” I said, and he

growled at me in frustration.

“Please, Tamia,” He pleaded with me.

“Leave!” I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

“I wanted children, Leo, but you said we should take our time. Now, this. I am the third wheel now. Why

should I come with you when you two are already a family?” I said, tears streaming down my face.

“We can try too,” he said in a hurry, and I shook my head.

“I am sick and tired of this shit! None of

us is truly happy,” I said, and he shook

his head.

“Please, Tamia, this isn’t the time,” he said, and I was about to respond when our door was knocked

down, and huge men with long beards and hair barged in.

Leo was ready to fight. He shifted and attacked, but they were too much and soon overpowered him.

Amanda begged them not to kill him, but they did not


I watched her weep and saw their effort to

capture him. They wanted a trophy.

“Spare his life and take me as your trophy,” I told the men, going on my knees; they needed to kill

either Leo or

me for the attack to end. By surrendering,

neither of us would die. I did not know

what captivity would be like, but it was

better than this.

“Tamia, please,” Amanda linked me, but

I shut her out. That was the first time she

showed concern. The men wore silver on me and dragged me out of the house while Black lay

unconscious on the

ground. The Dark Alpha had made his

statement. I hoped they listen.

“Where are you taking me to?” I asked the men while they dragged me in chains.

“To the north,” They said, and I dreaded the days ahead.